Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ben.z Noodle House

536 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC
604 688 8385

Rating: 3/5

Summary: Pho downtown! Enough said...

Located where Tribeca used to be--a couple doors north of A&B Sound and the Hi-Fi Centre. The location means you'll pay slightly more than what you would in East Van but Ben.z does not disappoint with a clear, clean tasting broth and the obligatory intact decor from the previous tenants so that you know you're dining in a pho joint :)

I've had their beef noodle and been told that the Camobodian Noodles are tasty too (dry noodle with mixed seafood and soup on the side). They also offer Vietnamese sub-style sandwiches, meat and rice dishes and French coffee.

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